Indian Rail Info: Indian Railways started an important initiative for the safety of women so first you must have to know that what it is. The government of Indian has launched “Meri Saheli”.
In September 2020, “Meri Saheli” initiative first started as Pilot Project only in a South Eastern Railway. Indian Rail Info

Its main purpose is to give more safety and security to female passengers who are travelling in the train, their main purpose is to make feel safer during their whole journey till originating station to destination station.
A team of lady officer will visit every coaches of female to identify and guide all the perspective measurements of safety and security to the lady passengers if they faced any kind of trouble or problems in a coach they can call on RPF security helpline 182, or GRP security helpline 1512.
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They also guided that don’t take any kind of edible items through strangers they have to take only from IRCTC authorized stalls and must have to follow safety precautions against Corona and finally take care of their luggage they guided. RPF will give proper knowledge what’ll have to follow during the journey.
At the end of the journey team will collected feedback through the female passengers regarding their journey experience under the perspective initiative of “Meri Saheli”.
Indian Rail Info: IRCTC Has Started 46 Special Trains
Due to excess rush on Diwali and Chatt Puja Government of India has started some special trains to clear the festive rush. During the journey must have to follow all rules and regulations to fight against corona.
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